How to Pack Your Case

Shipping and Packing a Case Box

Proper packaging is essential to ensure that the cases arrive without damage. Please ensure that all RX or paperwork is packaged separately and dry.

  1. Suggest using individual bubble wrap or similar packing material for each component (models, bites, impressions, etc.) and secure with rubber bands or taps.
  2. Place all components, including their RX, photos, special instructions, etc., inside a plastic bag that is secured from falling out.
  3. Before sealing the shipping box, please add enough packing material on the top to protect the cases during transit.
  4. Attach a preprinted shipping label to top.

Note: If you are sending a scheduled rush case, write “RUSH” or "URGENT" on the top of the prescription. To schedule a rush case, please always email our Customer Service team.

Packing Your Case with Articulator

To avoid model damage, make sure you pack your articulator according to the instructions in our video.